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Home » Septic System Do’s & Don’ts

Septic System Do’s & Don’ts

In order to keep your septic system is working properly, you should follow the tips and DOs and DON’Ts. Through our experience the following are situations and questions we are often asked by our customers.

If you have additional questions about your septic system, septic tank or septic maintenance, please contact us today.

Maintenance Tips for Keeping Your Septic System Working Properly

  1. Tanks need to be evaluated every two to three years and pumped if necessary. New homes – pump within 3 – 12 months of occupancy for the first time. (See Worksheet for frequency of pumping)
  2. Never use additives. The cleaners are harmful to your system. They do not replace good management practices. Starters and feeders are not effective.
  3. Maintain grass cover over the drain field. Maintain cover by mowing but do not fertilize, burn or overwater.
  4. Do not drive or park vehicles, bikes, snowmobiles etc. across the drain field creating soil compaction causing the system to not operate properly or even fail.
  5. Do not plant shrubs or trees near drain field. The root system can cause the system operate inefficiently or even malfunction.

Septic System DO’s and DON’Ts


  1. Repair leaky faucets and toilets and install low flow showerheads.
  2. Distribute wash loads throughout the week to avoid overloading the system with large volumes of water in a short period of time.
  3. Try to wash full loads and if not adjust settings for smaller load
  4. Reroute the water softener and iron filter recharge water outside the septic system; it does not need to be treated.
  5. Limit use of antibacterial soap.


  1. Do not flush tissues, paper towels, cigarette butts, or personal hygiene products down the toilet.
  2. Do not use a garbage disposal or dispose vegetables, meat, fat, oil, coffee grounds, and other food products in the septic system.
  3. Reduce the use of drain cleaners by minimizing grease and food wash down the drain. Keep drinking water in the fridge to minimize water usage.
  4. Do not dispose all solvents, paints, antifreeze, and chemicals through your septic system.  Recycle all solvents, paints, antifreeze, and chemicals. Consult local solids waste official for proper methods. These materials destroy valuable bacteria in the system and may pass through contaminated drinking water.
  5. Never let wash water from latex paint on brushes or rollers go down the drain and into the septic system.